In 2018, LTL applied the “Inspection Report Surveillance System” (IRSS) in order to promote the accuracy of the inspection report. In 2019, LTL goes further with the brand-new “Inspection Report Insurance System” (IRIS). IRIS augments the reliability and effectiveness comparing with IRSS in following aspects:
LTL sets a post as a “fulltime inspection report composer” who composes inspection reports in synchronization with the inspector’s onsite process. The draft report is done as the inspection ends. The final inspection report will be delivered to customers after 3 steps verification and confirmation which gains more time for customer’s consideration.
LTL’s fulltime inspection report composers are professional inspectors. As the 1st verification. They will supervise onsite inspectors' work and contact them for explanation or correction upon finding omissions.
The draft report will be sent to the onsite inspector for verification once the inspection is finished. Upon confirmation, the draft report will be sent to the report supervisor for a conformity check.
LTL’s report supervisor is experienced in the inspection. As the draft report has been verified twice, his job is mainly on checking the uniformity and conformity of customer’s requirements. Once a questionable point is found, he will inquire from the report composer and onsite inspector for confirmation. Upon his confirmation, the inspection report will be delivered to customers. IRIS guarantees the objectivity, effectiveness, and conformity of the inspection report.